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Blog 6/11/2018

The most important thing I took away from my class's interview with reporter Hilary Weaver was her advice on freelancing, specifically that connections matter.

Connections, connections, connections is the name of the game, and that's both relieving and troubling. Right now, off the top of my head, I could think of several people I've known over the years who could serve as potentially valuable connections, including a television executive in Charlotte, and a North Carolina state congressman. However, whenever I think ahead and try to imagine ways to grow and expand that web of conections and assets, the future suddenly seems daunting.

That is not to say I plan on jumping straight into freelance work upon completion of my degree, but I certainly intend to leave the possibility open to consideration. The more open doors in my life, the better. But all things considered, this interview gave me much to think about as the date of my having to step out of college life into the "real world" draws ever nearer.

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